Fenwick United Church

Fenwick United Church


Welcome to Fenwick United Church

We are a small but very active, caring, supportive and generous community that is part of the United Church of Canada.  We gather every Sunday to be inspired by Word, uplifted by music, and strengthened by our friendships.  Our aim is to support each other as we walk our paths through life, to share our joys, lighten each other's burdens, and to help those around us who are in need.  We welcome all.  Regardless of your situation or standing in life - come and be our friend!

Sunday Services and Children's Church

Sunday services are normally held at 11 am. and we invite everyone to join us in worship.

Children's Church is also held at 11 am each Sunday from September to June.  Nursery services are provided year-round during the service.

We are located at:
1050 Church Street,
Fenwick, Ontario

Link to Fenwick Zoom Services: 


Meeting ID: 835 9090 9788    Passcode: 947106

If you are interested in seeing the recording of a prior service, please contact the church office at [email protected] and a link will be sent to you. 


Our New Online Calendar

Please check it out and let the secretary know if you want your event or room booking added or changed. We will rely heavily on this calendar to ensure maintenance, cleaning, etc. doesn’t interfere with room bookings when possible and so that a room isn’t double booked.

Click here for the Fenwick United Church activity calendar.

UCW meeting, and learning about the work of Rose City Kids

2025 will be our UCW's 5th year of supporting "Rose City Kids", a non-profit organization which is "a place where children and youth belong; where they experience the love of Jesus and are encouraged and inspired to make a positive change in their world". Currently they are helping about 700 children to learn, grow and make a better future for themselves. Thank you to Sonya Wierenga for her very informative presentation.  

Bulletin, Newsletter, Council Minutes, Annual Report

Connect with us on Social Media

Instagram:  Fenwick United Church
Facebook:   Fenwick United Church
YouTube:    Fenwick United Church